Most frequent questions and answers
The reason is simple we offer practice consultation, unlimited remote service, HIPAA compliant support, offsite backup solutions and hardware installations.
We provide a custom tailored professional experience, on of a kind costumer care, in-house/remote assistance/support and we design state of the art practices for you.
Our results and reviews speak for themselves all our clients have seen increased productivity, predictable monthly cost/analysis and immediate expert support/help.
Backups are run nightly after business hours. We have 2 different forms of backups. Local and cloud based all designed to give you peace of mind.
We make ourselves available on chat support for immediate assistance as we offer unlimited remote service. We are also available 24/7 via our SMS group chat.
We are all about giving attention to details and giving you the service you deserve. We will provide you with the best experience and give it all until you are 100% satisfied.